c r e a t i v e s f o r c o n n e c t i o n


501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

Empowering Miami’s creative community to take action towards fulfilling their purpose

Made by creatives for creatives because we believe that your creative passion is your gift to the world. And when you’re ready to share that gift you’ll need mentorship and support.

That’s where we come in.

Our “Pursue Your Passion” program connects you and your idea to the people that can help you make it happen.

Through mentorship and education related to your particular industry we provide no-cost 1-on-1 coaching and accountability sessions. Along with group networking sessions.

Click the link below to take action towards pursuing your passion!


how to start a business in miami

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Our Pursue Your Passion program is design to kickstart your passion pursuing journey!


Success story

Because of a passion for poetry and through the support of our Pursue Your Passion program, the Miami Poetry Club has made lasting contributions to developing poets in Miami.

Check out the latest episode of our podcast, It’s Risky Business!